On Oct 28, 2013, at 5:25 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> I think the issue is that these things are properties, either because of web 
> legacy (as in some specifications) or because the spec writers conceptualize 
> them as such and are reluctant to change them (for the newer specifications). 
> And returning a fresh array from the getter each time is unpleasant. If they 
> could be changed to methods, returning a new object each time makes a lot of 
> sense.
> That said I feel like this is a common enough need that it might be worth the 
> DOM speccing a read-only proxy-onto-an-array view type that they could reuse. 
> As Boris says it would probably be very similar to what ArrayClass does, so 
> maybe ArrayClass is OK as-is, but I feel like fleshing it out in terms of 
> real ES proxies would make it feel less hackish, perhaps?
> (Such a type would be generally useful for not just DOM specs, IMO. Maybe I 
> should work on a library prototyping this and if it's awesome and everyone 
> loves it and uses it, someone can spec it officially.)

So what's so onerous about returning a fresh array from the getter each time it 
was called.  If it was implemented in Es6, it would just be:
    return Array.from(internal_compy);

Proxies aren't cheap. Unless these arrays tend to be quite large, I wouldn't be 
surprised if the overhead of using a Proxy for this useless ended up being 
higher than the cost of making fresh arrays. 


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