David Bruant wrote:
Le 07/02/2014 22:05, Brendan Eich a écrit :
Kevin Smith wrote:
- A *working* implementation should be created and solutions to real-world use cases should be programmed using the design before any spec language is authored. Spec-language is a poor medium for communicating both design intent and programming intent.

Yes, this.
A working implementation is a lot of work, even a polyfill. But tests.
Very recent case in point : https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=20701 It was a lot of words in English, lots of HTML5 spec vocabulary with very special and detailed meaning, I had lost track at some point, even with the spec-y summary by Bobby [1]. But then, he created tests and that was suddenly fairly easy to review [2]. It was fairly easy to point places that might be under-spec'ed and needed more tests.

Yeah, a warning to auto-didactic prose-heavy spec authors.

Tests are an excellent medium to discuss feature design. The current test suite leaves room for interpretation on a corner case? throw in a new test to disambiguate!

Tests++. Until they overspecify, then --. No silver bullets. More tests when in doubt.

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