On 14 February 2014 14:13, C. Scott Ananian <ecmascr...@cscott.net> wrote:

> Can someone point me to the spec for `System.import`?

It's in the ES6 specification draft under Loader.prototype.import -

> https://github.com/jorendorff/js-loaders/blob/master/browser-loader.js
> doesn't seem to include it.
> It seems to me that it would be worthwhile to ensure that
> `System.import` had good semantics.  It would allow a nice migration
> path for existing AMD and node-style modules.  For example:
> ```js
> // AMD-style define!
> // (Promise.map and Promise.spread would be nice here; see
> //  https://github.com/cscott/prfun)
> function define(deps, f) {
>   return Promise.all(deps.map(d => System.import(d)))
>     .then( (...args) => f(...args) )
>     .then( registerModule )
> }
> ```

This is not the recommended way to register a module - rather this is what
Dynamic Instantiation is designed to handle for you, so there is no need to
work out how to link the dependencies manually. See
https://gist.github.com/dherman/7568080 or the outdated (using old syntax,
but the principles remain) essay
https://gist.github.com/wycats/51c96e3adcdb3a68cbc3 for more info.

> and
> ```js
> // Node-style require needs more magic.
> Promise.async(function*() {
>   /* start module text */
>   var fs = yield System.import('fs');
>   // etc.
>   /* end module text */
>   return module.exports;
> }).then( registerModule );
> ```

Again, this is solved by dynamic instantiation.

> But that implies that `System.import` has well defined cycle-breaking,
> extensibility, etc.  Could it?
>  --scott
> ps. https://gist.github.com/wycats/51c96e3adcdb3a68cbc3/#comment-1006744
> --
>                          ( http://cscott.net/ )
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