For reference:

`Array#copyWithin` has a (non-normative) signature of `(target, start,
end = this.length)`.  However, this is slightly misleading because the
spec actually calls `ToLength` on `this.length` and then uses *that*
for the default value of `end`.  This changes `end`'s effective value
when `this.length` is negative.

In the bug we discuss changing the non-normative descriptive text to
be less misleading.

But I'd like to invite broader discussion on a different approach: can
we change the spec so that the `end = this.length` default was
actually correct?  This would only possibly change behavior on
array-likes with negative length, and probably wouldn't even change
observable behavior in that case (since `length` is treated as 0).
Basically we'd be just calling `ToInteger` on the default value of
`end` rather than `ToLength`.  But it would be an end-run around
confusing language in the spec.
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