On Apr 19, 2014, at 11:21 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

> Awesome! Please let's do this!
> I don't understand the comment about Object.keys, etc. If they continue to be 
> specified in terms of [[OwnPropertyKeys]], then they get cleaned up as well, 
> which seems good.

Object.keys currently says it produces the same ordering as for-in , but for-in 
ordering is implementation defined.  We've never convinced ourselves that 
implementations would willing change to confirm to a required for-in ordering.

> Is there a reason why we might want to continue to underspecify Object.keys, 
> etc?

The same reasons why it was under specified in the first place.  Implementation 
conformance and at this point concerns about breaking changes.

> If there is, how would you continue to underspecify Object.keys etc, while 
> still cleaning up [[OwnPropertyKeys]]?

By saying: After retrieving the keys using [[OwnPropertyKeys]] an 
implementation must reordering to conform to the for-in enumeration order.

> Do we also have an opportunity to (finally!) pin down for/in ordering as part 
> of this?

I don't think so, and I think that is too big of an issue to consider at this 
time.  But I don't see any reason that new functions should use a well 
specified ordering.


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