On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock
<al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:
> It's not obvious to me why we would need @@new in addition to @@create (which 
> is pretty much equivalent to saying it's not clear to me why we need 
> [[Construct]]). For the ordinary case, @@new would just be another level of 
> method lookup and invocation that would be required on each new.  While we 
> expect implementations to (eventually)  optimize all of this, we still tried 
> to minimize the amount of boiler plate work required for each new.

>From my perspective, it's about simplifying the language.  I like the
fact that 'new C' is "just" sugar for an ordinary method invocation on
C.  It would simplify the presentation of the spec as well: various
places that currently state special behavior for "new XYZ" forms could
instead describe the ordinary method XYZ.@@new.   And as Jason points
out, this conceptual simplification of the language translates into
concrete API simplifications for reflective operations like Proxies.

I don't think there are any special security issues involved, since I
can already do: `let x = Reflect.construct.bind(Reflect, C)` and pass
that around.

(fwiw, Crockford's "Simplified JavaScript" in
http://javascript.crockford.com/tdop/tdop.html and my own
"TurtleScript" subset of JavaScript in
https://github.com/cscott/TurtleScript both did away with the new
operator.  TurtleScript replaced it with `Function#New`.)
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