On Jun 13, 2014, at 7:51 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> On 6/13/14, 6:33 AM, Tom Van Cutsem wrote:
>> As Allen mentioned, this came up a number of times in TC39 meetings and
>> I believe the fear for exotic objects that require control over
>> [[Construct]] was the biggest show-stopper. If more knowledgeable people
>> like Boris can vouch for the fact that this isn't the case, that would
>> remove the biggest roadblock.
> The basic question is how that affects what WebIDL needs here is how it 
> should play with subclassing.
> If we don't care about subclassing WebIDL objects, there is no issue: WebIDL 
> can just override [[Call]] as it does right now and we move on with life.  
> Note that some implementations at the moment override [[Construct]], not 
> [[Call]] and just throw from [[Call]], so as to preclude web pages from 
> relying on the current spec's [[Call]] behavior, since that would presumably 
> interact badly with trying to introduce subclassing.

This "we" definitely cares about subclassing WebIDL objects and the ES6 object 
creation protocol was design with that in mind.

> If we do care about subclassing, then presumably the "construct the right 
> sort of object" and "initialize it" actions need to be somewhat decoupled for 
> these objects.  It seems to me that both Allen's current spec and Jason's 
> proposal accomplish that, right?

Right, Jason's proposal introduces an additional degree of variability that my 
proposal (assuming that [[Construct goes away) doesn't directly provide.  It 
kind of comes down to whether that extra flexibility is actually needed. 

> In Jason's proposal it would look like this, if I understand it right:
>  subclass[Symbol.new] = function(...args) {
>    // Modify args as desired.
>    var obj = superclass[Symbol.new](...args);
>    // Modify obj as desired.
>    return obj;
>  }

I don't think so. Unless, I misunderstand I don't think Jason is proposing 
eliminating @@create.  So, in most cases including, I believe, the WebIDL use 
cases  a constructor would simply use the default @@new that would be inherited 
from Function.prototype.  It's definition would be something like:

Function.prototype[Symbol.new] = function (...args) {
      let newObj = this[Symbol.create]();
      if (! IsObject(newObj) {
           //default handling for ill-behaved or missing @@create
      let ctorResult = this(...args);
     if (IsObject(ctorResult) return ctorResult;  //ES<6 compatibility 
     else return newObj;

Note that this preserves the separation between object allocation and object 
initialization we need to make subclassing work correctly.

> which is pretty similar to how this would be done without classes:
>  function subclass(...args) {
>    // Assume that we're being invoked via new.
>    // Modify args as desired.
>    var obj = new superclass(...args);
>    // Modify obj as desired.
>    return obj;
>  }

Except that the above doesn't give you true subclassing.  The object you return 
is an instance of the superclass and not of the subclass.  The key thing that 
@@create is doing is separating determining the physical characteristics of an 
object (making it exotic, branding it, using a custom C struct as its 
representation, etc.) from logically initializing it at an appropriate place 
within some class hierarchy 

> except there is nothing that needs to be done if you don't want to munge args 
> or obj, since not defining Symbol.new on the subclass will simply find it on 
> the superclass.
> In Allen's spec, it would look like this:
>  "subclass constructor": function(...args) {
>    // "this" is already set to the right object that got created via
>    // looking up Symbol.create and calling it.
>    // Modify args as desired.
>    superclass.apply(this, ...args);
>    // Modify "this" as desired.
>  }
> Is my understanding of the Allen and Jason's proposals correct?  I'd like to 
> avoid making any claims of how these interact with WebIDL until I'm sure I'm 
> not missing something important.

I think you are missing the key element @@create plays in both proposals.  The 
only real difference, I think, is whether you have to live with the default 
@@create/constructor protocol or whether you are allowed to tweak with that 


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