> To me this is a bug not a feature; we should keep it simple and just have one 
> way to get one import from one export.
> Just to make a connection to the topic, Dave's intro says:
>    We've consistently seen confusion between the semantics of ModuleImport 
> and default export.
> For me this confusion lands on default export equally as 'module` import.

Personally, I agree, but many people feel strongly about the single-export use 
case. If default exports help with getting ES6 modules adopted more broadly 
then the slight increase in complexity is worth it.

Let’s compare. Your approach – slightly more redundant:

// MyClass.js
export class MyClass { ... }
// main1.js
import { MyClass } from "MyClass";

// myFunc.js
export function myFunc(...) { ... }
// main2.js
import { myFunc } from "myFunc";

Default exports:

// MyClass.js
export default class { ... };
// main1.js
import MyClass from "MyClass";

// myFunc.js
export default function (...) { ... };
// main2.js
import myFunc from "myFunc";

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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