I do like the conciseness of the last form. The other forms do indeed not seem 
very useful.

On Jun 25, 2014, at 5:45 , Kevin Smith <zenpars...@gmail.com> wrote:

>     ExportDeclaration:
>         ...
>         export default ClassDeclaration
>         export default FunctionDeclaration
>         export default GeneratorDeclaration
>         export default = AssignmentExpression
> To reply to myself (since no one else appears to be interested), I think it 
> might even be best to drop these special forms altogether.  The non-sugared 
> form of:
>     export { someVar as default };
> is already very concise, and will help developers understand what this whole 
> "default" thing is about.  The sugar appears to be obfuscating the design, 
> and is doing more harm than good.
> Again, thoughts?
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