
I wonder what Horse would think of Vermin Supreme's pony identification program.

But in all seriousness, Google, MSFT, are all pushing for IoT or
"wearables" by putting on events featuring that, creating a buzz, and
making press on the event.

On 6/23/14, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
> +1
> But Garrett's post was helpful in its own way. @horse_esdiscuss agrees!
> /be
> joe wrote:
>> And here I thought you were making an educated argument with your
>> explanation of the history of propaganda and public relations.  When I
>> first read "corporate propaganda," I thought you mean the
>> propaganda of JS developers, not commercial corporations.
>> Frankly, I find the idea that commercial interests trump corporate
>> identity hard to fathom.  If that were true, Java would be a very
>> different language today, and JavaScript would have long fallen into
>> disuse. "The community," very much exists;  it's not a figment of some
>> PR type's imagination.  Anyone claiming there isn't a sense of
>> corporate identity among JS developers is fooling themselves.
>> I'm on the side of TC39, by the way.  I don't believe in democracy in
>> software.  That's why we have standards organizations.
>> Joe

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