>     // my-class.js
>     export class MyClass {
>         constructor() { ... }
>         method() { ... }
>     }
>     // use-class.js
>     import { MyClass } from "my-class.js";

You do have redundancy in `my-class.js` and, as Marius pointed out, the 
importer has to know both the name of the module and the name of the entity 
inside the module. Not that big of a deal. Again, standardizing on `_` for 
default exports helps, but then importing is more verbose:

    // my-class.js
    export class _ {
        constructor() { ... }
        method() { ... }

    // use-class.js
    import { _ as MyClass } from "my-class.js";

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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