On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de> wrote:

>     // my-class.js
>     export class MyClass {
>         constructor() { ... }
>         method() { ... }
>     }
>     // use-class.js
>     import { MyClass } from "my-class.js";
> You do have redundancy in `my-class.js` and, as Marius pointed out, the
> importer has to know both the name of the module and the name of the entity
> inside the module. Not that big of a deal.

But these examples are misleading. "my-class.js" is not the name of the
module. Its is a module identifier, and probably incorrect since the
identifier is both absolute and ending in .js.

A more realistic example is

import {MyClass} from "./pretentious/kernel/core/util/my-class";

In the big picture the time to type a few characters in regular pattern is
completely overwhelmed by the time it takes to figure out what MyClass does
and where it lives.

> Again, standardizing on `_` for default exports helps,

I guess you meant "developers may choose to adopt short export
identifiers"; I don't suppose you are proposing to standardize _.

> but then importing is more verbose:
>     // my-class.js
>     export class _ {
>         constructor() { ... }
>         method() { ... }
>     }
>     // use-class.js
>     import { _ as MyClass } from "my-class.js";
> --
> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
> a...@rauschma.de
> rauschma.de
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