In the currently specced design of classes, the fact that the creation step and 
the initialisation step of built-in object may be separated by arbitrary user 
code is thought to be problematic.

Jason proposed a @@new behaviour in replacement of @@create that would avoid 
the issue [1]. Here is a counter-proposal (or an improved proposal, ad 
libidum), which is not tightly coupled to @@new. In fact, it is designed to 
(well, TBH, it happens to) just work in absence of @@create or @@new hook, 
although it is possible to introduce them.

The basic idea is the following: the creation process (the @@create step) is 
deferred as late as possible.
It will appear that, for built-in base classes like Array, creation occurs just 
before initialisation, making the created-but-initialised state of such objects 
unobservable, at least in absence of user-overridable @@create hook.

Non-Constructed Objects

Non-Constructed Objects are introduced in order to describe the state of 
not-yet-defined this-bindings.

Non-Constructed Objects is probably not be the greatest approach to spec the 
thing, especially when considering the awful Step 3 of InitializeThisBindings() 
algorithm below;
it is just a convenient hack that allows me to expose the idea with minimal 
change from the current specification draft.

A Non-Constructed Object is a special placeholder exotic object with the 
following internal slots:

* [[Constructor]], which holds a reference to the constructor;
* [[NonConstructed]], set to `true`.

Non-Constructed Objects may only appear as value of this-bindings inside 
(or, using the spec language, as value of the `thisValue` component of a 
function environment record).
Any attempt to get an explicit reference to such an object in user code  will 
throw an error.
The only way to pass (implicitely) a reference to a Non-Constructed Object 
between different function environment records,
is through calls to `super`.

InitializeThisBindings(nonconstructedObj, obj) abstract operation

This operation performs the actual initialisation of the this-bindings that 
were previously deferred:

   1. Assert `nonconstructedThisObj` is a Non-Constructed Object.
   2. Assert `obj` is an ordinary object.
   3. Replace all references to `nonconstructedThisObj` with references to 
     (In particular, this step will effectively initialise the this-binding of 
every function environment record that used to reference `nonconstructedObj`.)

Additional runtime semantics of the `this` keyword

Any attempt to get an explicit reference to the `thisValue` of a function 
environment record while it holds a Non-Constructed Object, shall throw an 

new C(...args)

When a constructor `C` is called with arguments `args`, the following steps are 
In particular, the actual initialisation of the this-value is deferred.

1. Let `thisValue` be a new Non-Constructed Object, with its internal slot 
[[Constructor]] set to `C`.
2. Let `R` be the result of `C`.[[Call]](`thisValue`, `args`).
3. NOTE. The operation InitializeThisBinding() may have been called during the 
previous step, meaning that `thisValue` may now be a regular object.
4. ReturnIfAbrupt(`R`).
5. If Type(`R`) is Object, return `R`.
6. If `thisValue` is a Non-Constructed Object, throw an error.
7. Return `thisValue`.

No more [[Construct]]

[[Construct]] internal method is gone. Actually it is conflated with the 
[[Call]] internal method, modified as below.
The key fact is that [[Call]] is able to see if it should have a 
[[Construct]]-like behaviour,
by examining whether its `thisArgument` is a Non-Constructed Object.

F.[[Call]] (thisArgument, argumentsList) for user-defined functions

User-defined functions has the currently specced [[Call]] behaviour [Section 
with the following additional step inserted somewhere near the beginning of the 
algorithm, e.g., after step 1:

1bis. If the `thisArgument` is a Non-Constructed Object,
   a. If `F`’s [[NeedsSuper]] internal slot is set to false (IOW, if `F`’s code 
doesn’t contain `super`),
       i. Let `proto` be the result of 
       ii. ReturnIfAbrupt(`proto`).
       iii. Let `obj` be ObjectCreate(`proto`).
       iv. Perform InitializeThisBindings(`thisArgument`, `obj`).
       v. Assert: Now, `thisArgument` is an ordinary object.
   b. Else, `thisArgument` is left untouched. // it is meant to be handled at 
the occasion of the enclosed `super` call.

F.[[Call]] (thisArgument, argumentsList) for bound functions

In the algorithm sepcced in [Section], step 2 is replaced with:

2. If the `thisArgument` is a Non-Constructed Object, let `boundThis` be 
`thisArgument`. // this is the current [[Construct]] behaviour
2bis. Else, let `boundThis` be the value of `F`’s [[BoundThis]] internal slot.  
// this is the current [[Call]] behaviour

F.[[Call]] (thisArgument, argumentsList) for the built-in Object constructor

There is no change: `Object(...)` acts as a factory rather than as a 
constructor, as currently specified, and the `thisArgument` is ignored.
In particular trying to subclass `Object` will lead to unexpected results. Note 
however that `new Object` does still work.

F.[[Call]] (thisArgument, argumentsList) for the built-in Array contsructor

The [[ArrayInitializationState]] internal slot is gone, and Step 4 of the 
algorithms in [Sections 22.1.1.*] is replaced with (where `O` is the 

4. If `O` is a Non-Constructed Object,
   a. Let `proto` be the result of 
GetPrototypeFromConstructor(`O`.[[Constructor]], "%ArrayPrototype%").
   b. ReturnIfAbrupt(`proto`)
   a. Let `array` be ArrayCreate(<<length>>, `proto`).
   b. Perform InitializeThisBindings(`thisArgument`, `array`)
5. Else, etc.

The [[Call]] behaviour of other built-in constructors is left as an exercise to 
the reader.


There is a nice side-effect of the proposal: The new internal check intended to 
discriminate between call-as-function and call-as-constructor is easier and 
more robust. In particular,

* hacks such as [[ArrayInitializationState]] are no longer needed;
* bound functions are truly subclassable (see [2]).

However, it remains very hard for user-defined functions to distinguish 
correctly between constructor/initialisation-calls and method/function-calls, 
or to write code that works well in both cases. (At least the situation is not 
worse than in ES5-.)

Optional: the @@create hook

A @@create hook can easily be placed as follows:
In each [[Call]] internal methods defined above, a call to 
could replace the steps spanning from GetPrototypeFromConstructor(...) 
inclusive to InitializeThisBindings(...) exclusive.

Whether such a hook is compatible with, e.g., DOM constructors, is left to the 
appreciation of the competent people. At worst, a built-in constructor could 
cheat by defining its own [[Call]] internal method that would refuse to run the 
@@create hook.

Optional: the @@new hook

Alternatively, the following hook may be installed:
At the beginning of each call to F.[[Call]], the following steps are taken:

1. if `thisArgument` is a Non-Constructed Object,
   a. If `F` has an *own* property named @@new,
       i. Let `R` be the result of 
`F`[@@new].[[Call]](`thisArgument`.[[Constructor]], `argumentsList`).
       ii. ReturnIfAbrupt(`R`).
       iii. If Type(`R`) is Object,
           α. InitializeThisBindings(`thisArgument`, `R`).
       iv. Return `R`.
   b. etc.
2. etc.

Note that we don’t look for inherited @@new property, in order to preserve the 
initialise-at-latest-time behaviour.


[Section 9.2.2]:
[Sections 22.1.1.*]:
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