The System object is global, so "depends" is the answer to all such

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Calvin Metcalf <>

> Would the System object for a module loaded with a sub classed System be
> the sub classed one or the original one?
> IMO a better design would have each platform subclass Loader, eg
> SystemLoader extends Loader and System (or 'system' if we decide to
> suddenly come to our senses) would be an instance of SystemLoader.
> SystemLoader would define the hook functions and custom Loader classes
> would extend SystemLoader to add features.  Custom loaders probably don't
> want to re-implement the hooks so much as augment them. The SystemLoader
> would support this naturally.
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Guy Bedford <> wrote:
>> I suppose the point is whether System can be subclassed itself, since
>> that is usually the starting point for a new loader as it is common
>> to share the base environment normalization, locate and fetch functions.
>> Currently, if System is set via the options hooks this isn't possible.
>> Note also that things like baseURL and the mapping table being created
>> through the constructor would also make sharing these easier.
>> If System were defined to be based on a class found at System.constructor
>> like this, things get a lot easier for that starting point.
>> On Monday, August 4, 2014, Jason Orendorff <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Kevin Smith <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > I've often wondered why we aren't using inheritance to customize
>>> Loaders.
>>> > I'd be interested in the rationale.
>>> When I was working on Loaders, I modified the design so that inheritance
>>> works.
>>> That is, you can just subclass Loader and declare the methods you want
>>> to override, and the Loader will call those methods. It all works, as
>>> far as I can tell.
>>> I don't remember why we kept the options argument after that. I'm in
>>> favor of dropping it.
>>> -j
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