On 5 Aug 2014, at 16:20, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:

> We're only talking about Annex B, non-strict.  Right?

All engines are going to implement this anyway, so why make it Annex B only? I 
wouldn’t restrict it to non-strict mode either, as this decision seems to be 
purely based on the Firefox/SpiderMonkey bug that was discussed earlier.

> It would be great is somebody wanted to proposal the actual annex B language 
> that is need to correctly describe the web reality semantics.

In section 11.8.3 (Numeric Literals), the definition for 
`DecimalIntegerLiteral` should somehow be tweaked to match that of 
`DecimalDigits`, with the exception that if the first digit is `0` and all 
other digits are octal digits (0-7) it must be treated as a legacy octal 

> Regarding, leading 0 constants in strict mode. The long term plan is to 
> eventually make them legal decimal constants. The only reason not to do that 
> now is because it might screw up people who are migrating non-strict web 
> reality code containing octal constants into strict mode.

Firefox is the only browser that throws on `(function() { 'use strict'; return 
08; }())` and the only reason it does that is because of a bug (see my earlier 
email). In general, strict mode does not matter here.

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