On Mon, 18 Aug 2014, John Barton wrote:
> > 
> > (For example, a graphical game might need some sprite assets to be 
> > loaded before it can start up. So its <script> might be marked as 
> > depending on an <img> element that loads that image. Or the script 
> > contents might have an import statement that refers to that image.)
> Supporting this case seems straight-forward and can be done entirely by 
> the browser Loader implementation using hooks.

That is my hope, yes.

> The reverse case, where a img depends on a script, is not a use case.

Why not? What if the image has an onmouseover handler that calls an API 
function defined in a module, for instance?

> > > > Or indeed even when scripting is enabled, how would you use it to 
> > > > mark one non-loaded script as dependent on another non-loaded 
> > > > script such that when you later ask for the former, the latter 
> > > > loads automatically?
> > >
> > > import './latter';
> > >
> > > It's a solved problem for scripts.
> >
> > The key part of my question was "non-loaded". The "import" bit is in 
> > the script. The script isn't loaded yet, so we can't rely on it.
> <script>
> System.import('./former').then((former) => {
>   // do stuff with former, knowing './former' imported './latter'.
> });
> </script>

This results in multiple RTTs. Also, this doesn't wait until former is 
needed before loading it.

> Here we are expressing the dependency of the HTML file on the non-loaded 
> file './former' and it depends on the non-loaded file './latter'.

But you don't know that it depends on ./latter until you've fetched 
./former, by which time it's too late.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
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Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
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