Isn’t the problem that a generator function contains the code for both 
generator object creation and generator behavior? Normally, this is convenient, 
because both parts can share an environment. But for Kevin’s use case, it 
becomes a problem.

One possibility may be to implement this as a tool class, separating the 
concerns “construction” and “behavior”:

class MyGenerator extends CustomGenerator {
    constructor(/* args for generator object creation */) {
    * behavior(firstArgOfNext) {

On Aug 20, 2014, at 18:43 , Brendan Eich <> wrote:

> Andy Wingo wrote:
>> On Wed 20 Aug 2014 16:41, Kevin Smith<>  writes:
>>> >  I'm still curious why we need to go through such exercises, though. It
>>> >  seems clear to me that this is a weakness of the current design, and
>>> >  would be easily addressed with syntax. Is there a back-story that I'm
>>> >  not aware of?
>> No backstory that I'm aware of -- only something that doesn't really
>> fall out from the generators design.  There's just no sensible name you
>> could give the value (without getting "creative" with lexical scope),
>> and no continuation waiting to receive it.
> Right. Anyone know whether this has come up as a PEP or suggestion on 
> python-dev?
> The meeting notes Kevin cited in the thread root don't mention it, but IIRC 
> we did briefly talk about syntax that could be added in a future edition (AKA 
> next year in a spec, next month in a browser implementation) for receiving 
> that first-next value:
> function* gen(a, b, c) first {
>  ...
> }
> Not bikeshedding, some found it ugly or too terse, many wondered about other 
> future syntax vying to go after the parameter list. But the idea seems good.
> /be
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