I find the new suggestions hard to make sense of and the current approach quite 

Foo[[Construct]](arg) ::=
    1. let obj = Foo[@@create]()
    2. Foo.call(obj, arg)

To me, it seems that this is how things should work internally, because that’s 
what’s actually going on. Is there no other way to fix the following two 
problems? For example: to fix #2, couldn’t we somehow prevent direct 
invocations? I also don’t fully understand what #1 means.

1. If instances aren't sufficiently initialized by @@create, then instance 
objects could leak (e.g. via a nefarious decoupling between the @@create 
allocation process and the constructor-function initialization process)
2. @@create could be called directly

Observation about the new approach:: could the `if (new^) ...` check be turned 
into a method?


On 11 Sep 2014, at 18:35 , Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com> wrote:

> At the last TC39 meeting ( 
> https://github.com/rwaldron/tc39-notes/blob/master/es6/2014-07/jul-30.md#44-instantiation-reform-review-create-design-rationale-and-possible-alternatives
>  and 
> https://github.com/rwaldron/tc39-notes/blob/master/es6/2014-07/jul-31.md#44-follow-up-instantiation-reform-create
>  ) we agreed to a general direction to try for a new object instantiation 
> design to replace @@create. 
> Since then I have gotten feedback and had design discussions with a number of 
> individuals. This has lead to a number of refinements of the core design and 
> one remaining point where there are strong contrary positions. The point of 
> contention is about whether or not a subclass construction ever implicitly 
> calls its superclass constructor.
> https://gist.github.com/allenwb/291035fbf910eab8e9a6  summaries the  main 
> syntactic changes since the meeting and provides rationales them. These 
> features are common  to both alternates.  this is a good place to start, 
> after reading the meeting notes. 
> I have prepared two longer Gists that outline the two alternatives designs, 
> presents design rationales,  and provides usage examples for a number of 
> likely use cases. Note that  there is more commonalities then differences 
> among the two alternatives.  the syntactic choices and semantics of 
> [[Construct]] are the same for both. 
> These two Gist have parallel construction for easy comparison. I suggest 
> approaching this is by first readying through one of the Gists and then doing 
> a side by side read through of the alternative to see the differences in the 
> designs and usage.
> https://gist.github.com/allenwb/5160d109e33db8253b62 with implicit super 
> construct if no local allocation
> https://gist.github.com/allenwb/53927e46b31564168a1d explicit super construct 
> required if no local allocation
> I appreciate it if major constructive feedback on any of these documents were 
> made via Gist comments. 
> Allen
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