On Sep 16, 2014, at 4:55 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> ...
> It would help, I think, if you replied to Kevin's mail dated 12:05pm 
> yesterday, which ended:
> """
> Well, what I'm trying to point out is that it's always an error to set "this" 
> if "new^" is undefined.  So it's kind of strange to force the user to 
> explicitly write that conditional:
>    constructor(x, y) {
>        if (new^)
>            this = new super(x);
>        this.y = y;
>    }
> With the header approach, it's taken care of:
>    constructor(x, y) : super(x) {
>        this.y = y;
>    }
> (using colon just to avoid bikeshedding)
> """

actually I did respond:

On Sep 15, 2014, at 11:24 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> On Sep 14, 2014, at 8:48 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:
>> It seems to me that with the proposed design we're going to have to branch 
>> on "new^" continually:  if we don't, then the function will always fail if 
>> [Call]'ed and it contains a this-setter.
>> With the class create expression approach, that branch is taken care of 
>> automatically.
> If you want a [[Call]] to the constructor to do an implicit `new`, then you 
> need to branch on `new^`:
>    constructor (a,b,c) {
>       if (!new^) return new C(a,b,c);
>       // continue with instance initialization code
>    }
> }
> But [[Call]] same as [[Construct]] is not normal default JS behavior, so it 
> shouldn't be unexpected that you need to explicitly say something if that is 
> what you want.  The whole point of new^ is that a constructor function that 
> wants differing call vs construct behavior needs to explicitly implement the 
> alternatives. Just like today, if you only want your constructors to support 
> one or the other of [[Call]]/[[Construct]] you code for what you care about 
> and errors will occurs if it is invoke the other way. 
> Allen

or using your above example.

Most people today don't explicitly deal with constructors called as functions. 
If you con't care you probably just write 

constructor(x, y) {
       this = new super(x);
       this.y = y;

and a runtime error will occur if it is called "as a function".

If you want  to also support "called as a function", say to do a `new` like 
above you would probably code:

class C extends B {
  constructor(x, y) {
      if (!new^) return new C(x,y);
      this = new super(x);
      this.y = y;

So you only need to branch on `new^` if you want to explicitly support both 
constructor and function behavior.  

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