Andreas Rossberg wrote:
Well, regarding this particular aspect, the wider curly braces family
doesn't have a consistent opinion. Our current design is following
Java more closely than C++, which I think is fine (modulo dubious
defaults). C++ needed the special syntax primarily because of its
rather crazy initialization vs assignment story.

You're right, it's the grand-parent I was thinking of (C++) but Kevin mentioned C# as well (tough younger brother of Java :-P).

If we were to go with a C++ like solution, we should refrain from
abusing colon, though. It should be "constructor(x) extends super(x+1)


Want to safe the colon for type annotations.:)

Someone building a compile-to-JS language (not LLJS) pointed out to me what LLJS already did: C-style `type declarator` annotations, with [no LineTerminator here] in between.

Seems doable at a glance in ECMA-262's grammar, provided declarator doesn't start sprouting C-like leading asterisk or left parenthesis. The trade-off is greater conciseness vs.colon annotation syntax, and no constraints from the market (even if only in developers' brains) due to TypeScript.

(Yeah, Dart-like -- why not?)

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