Is __proto__ deprecated by TC39? The spec says otherwise.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Benjamin Grurnbaum <>

> With libraries like Knockout utilizing 'with', I'm not sure it'll go away
> anytime soon.
> Also, withering works in two directions - we now have '__proto__'
> everywhere.
> On 22 בספט׳ 2014, at 20:17, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> OnMon, Sep 22, 2014  at 9:04 AM,  Domenic Denicola
> <>  wrote:
> >  From: es-discuss [
> <>] On Behalf Of Isiah Meadows
> >>  I know this would break a lot of backwards compatibility completely,
> so this is purely hypothetical, and I expect this to not have a realistic
> chance anytime soon.
> >
> >  Anything that breaks backward compatibility will not have a chance,
> realistic or otherwise,*ever*.
> To square this with Matthew's response, the original idea was to
> *also*  expose the core functionality as modules, to give you the
> ability to grab "clean" versions of any standard functions you wanted,
> while the preexisting global versions would still be there.
> Right!
> Isaih, this is good news: you can't insist on removing stuff, but if you
> put the cleanups and better organization in new clothes, the old drab ones
> will fade into disuse (even if they don't ever go away).
> This is kind of a "law of the Web." It turns out compat does break, and no
> one notices (much), over very long timeframes. At least, we saw this going
> from the early Web to the modern days, with a few things (corner cases in
> JS and CSS table layout). But these were never predictable, or major.
> With strict-by-default modules, we can hope for 'with' to whither away
> over a decade. I wouldn't bet on it, since strict mode is still opt-in and
> will be for <script>, forever.
> /be
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