On Nov 19, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Axel Rauschmayer <a...@rauschma.de> wrote:

>>> OK, I take it the following wasn’t viable?
>> that’s correct.  We wanted the initialization of a function like:
>>     export default function () {}
>> to be hoisted, just like:
>>     export function f() {};
> I suspect that that will confuse people: they will expect an anonymous 
> function to be an expression, not a declaration (even more so because the 
> operand of `export default` is usually an expression). Does hoisting even 
> matter if the function doesn’t have a name? Is it worth it to introduce a 
> completely new construct (an anonymous function declaration) just for `export 
> default`?

It can make a difference to circular modules that reference each other’s 
default export.  Hosted function iinitialization occurs before anything in the 
module body is evaluated.  export default expression isn’t initialized at the 
point of the export declaration in the module body.

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