I’m in the process of coming up with a good title for a book on ECMAScript 6. 
That begs the question: What is the best way to refer to ECMAScript 6?

1. The obvious choices: ECMAScript 6 or ES6.
2. Suggested by Allen [1]: JavaScript 2015.

The advantage of #2 is that many people don’t know what ECMAScript 6 is. 
However, I’m worried that a book that has “2015” in its title will appear old 
in 2016. And the year scheme completely breaks with current tradition. I see 
two possibilities:

* If there is a concerted effort to establish “JavaScript 2015” then I would 
support that and name my book accordingly.
* Otherwise, JavaScript 6 is interesting: People who are aware of ECMAScript 6 
will recognize it, but it will also mean something to people who don’t know 
what ECMAScript is. Is 2015, 2016, … really that much better than 6, 7, 8, … ? 
Would skipped years pose a problem for the former naming scheme?


[1] https://twitter.com/awbjs/status/558316031039381504

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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