On 5 Feb 2015 15:06, "Frankie Bagnardi" <f.bagna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think any issues with that are imagined.  Languages have rules, and of
the people who both know what 'use strict' does and are using es6 syntax,
they're very unlikely to make the mistake.

Sure, it's theoretical at this point but not unimaginable. Eventually
everyone will be using "es6 syntax", and there are plenty of blogs and
books around that explain the benefits of strict mode.

> I don't see people using template literals for arbitrary strings... it
could happen but it probably won't.

Not everyone, but I think it's likely that some will.  If you want to add a
variable ref to a static string, for instance, it's simpler if you don't
have to change the delimiters to back ticks. We can probably only speculate
right now.

> Mathias makes a good point also, it's not strings that equal the string
'use strict', it's exactly two possible arrangements of characters.

And that's obvious to us, but won't be to everyone. I'm on my phone right
now so it's hard to check, but I think you'll find more sources explaining
the directive is a string literal than you would an arrangement of

My immediate reaction was that it wasn't worth it, but I kinda think that
if it is easy enough to implement then any risk would be avoided by doing
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