Jacob Parker wrote:
Either I'm wrong, or that's missing some parens.

No, test it yourself in Firefox (s/print/console.log/) or SpiderMonkey.

Assume the following (the only interpretation I can see to not throw a syntax error),

    var y = (function (a) a ? f : x++)(1);

In which case, that could only return `f`, which when printed should print the source of f, no?

No. :-P

But seriously, I'm not sure what your last line means. The mis-parsing due to precedence inversion means SpiderMonkey (in Firefox) returns f, not "f", as the value that initializes y, given the minimally parenthesized testcase:

function f() {return "f"}
var x = 3;
var y = function (a) a ? f : x++(1);

FWIW, the consise body of arrow functions won't allow the original format, and must have surrounding parens.

Yes, arrows are low-precedence (AssignmentExpression alternatives), so they don't suffer from precedence inversion.

Would just allowing consise bodies on functions work?

No, because function expressions are high-precedence (PrimaryExpression).

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