Could the comma not be the delimiter, as I think works with arrow
functions, or is that more precedence issues?

On Wed, 25 Mar 2015 8:37 am Brendan Eich <> wrote:

> Jacob Parker wrote:
> > In the context of only objects and classes, is this format no-go?
> Without the } that closes a concise method body, there's a new problem
> to-do with computed property names:
> class C {
>    m() this._m
>    [Symbol.iterator]() {/*...*/}
> }
> We need a delimiter. Could use ; without ASI, so it'd look like this:
> class C {
>    m() this._m;
>    [Symbol.iterator]() {/*...*/}
> }
> I haven't checked for other problems, but wanted to throw this out and
> see if anyone else sees a live one.
> /be
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