> It's not that it's imperfect. It's that it's useless in the real world.

It's clear it's useless to you. It's not clear that it's useless to everyone. 
In fact, I for one definitely find it useful. No sense in continuing to argue 
over subjective opinion.

> We can already do shallow testing of APIs. Reflect.support doesn't help 
> there, and in some ways (that I've outlined before) it is a regression.
> ```
> if (!Array.prototype.includes) { ... }
> if (!Reflect.supports("Array.prototype.includes")) { ... }
> ```

As I've repeatedly said, this proposed feature is not for those sorts of tests. 
It's for all the syntax tests that require `try..catch` + `Function` / `eval`. 
Please (re)read the rest of the thread.

> You also wouldn't do testing of syntax support at runtime

I already do. I fully intend to keep doing so.

> as you would effectively be duplicating the code.

Nope, not duplicating code. Maintaining code in original ES6+ authored form as 
well as transpiled form. They're both files that can be loaded by a browser. So 
my intent is to decide at runtime which one is appropriate, and only load one 
or the other.

> ...send down a file that tests for support and then sends it back to the 
> server

Yep, absolutely. Bootstrapping.

> and then build the appropriate assets for that browser?

Of course not. It picks one of two already existing files.

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