What this sub-discussion of CSS `supports(..)` is reinforcing is what I said 
earlier: a capability to do feature tests in a direct, efficient, and non-hacky 
manner is valuable to some/many uses and use-cases, even with the recognition 
that it doesn't have to *perfectly* support all conceivable 

We should avoid a mindset that anything short of perfect isn't worth doing at 
all. Thankfully JS doesn't have such a design principle.

A `Reflect.supports( Symbol.TCO )` test isn't perfect. It could accidentally or 
intentionally lie. But it *could* be better to some audiences than having no 
information. I personally would prefer to use it, even with its "risks", than 
trying a long recursive loop in a `try..catch` to imply if TCO was in effect.

Nevertheless, it's the least important kind of test being advocated for here, 
even though it seems to be getting all the attention. If that kind of test is a 
bone of contention, it should be the easiest to drop/ignore.

Moreover, to reduce the risk of bitrot on feature lookup tables (that 
`Symbol.TCO` would suffer), the `Reflect.supports( "(() => {})" )` test seems 
like it would be preferable to a `Reflect.supports( Symbol.arrowFunction )` 
type of test.
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