For example, I have some code that uses a Map just to keep a collection of
things (the keys) but values are not important, so they are undefined, like

let something = {}
let otherThing = {}
let m = new Map


where the values for those object keys are `undefined` since there's not
second arg to `m.set`. If I add the line


and retain references to `something`, `otherThing`, and `m`, I know that
those objects won't be GCed. What about the `undefined` values? Are those
`undefined` values something that the GC has to collect? Or do `undefined`
values literally reference nothing, not needing to be collected?

Just wondering because I want to avoid GC while rendering animations at
60fps. I know I can prevent GC if I retain a value to some constant, as in

let something = {}
let otherThing = {}
const foo = true
let m = new Map

m.set(something, foo)
​otherThing​, foo


so then if I retain the reference to `foo` then there's no GC; I'm just
sticking things in and out of the Map, but I'm curious to know how
`undefined` is treated, because if that prevents GC, then the code can be

 - Joe
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