Having been a delegate to tc39 from the JS foundation for only about six
months, I can't claim authority to speak to all of the history here. That
said, I can very assuredly tell you there is a significant amount of
respect for every technology that has been mentioned in this thread from
most of the committee. In general, the committee sees any tool with
significant adoption as an opportunity to learn/draw ideas from, not a

Certainly, all delegates have their own opinions on various things. That
said, IMO you wouldn't see any interest in policing libraries and
frameworks from the committee. This is in conflict with the extensible web
manifesto that most of the committee holds quite dear.

On Jul 22, 2017 8:22 AM, "Mike Samuel" <mikesam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jul 22, 2017 11:14 AM, "Andrea Giammarchi" <andrea.giammar...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> About frameworks or Angular, version 1 was based on eval and I think
> frameworks should have an OK from TC39 before being considered influential .
> What problems would this address?  I would prefer almost any other
> solution to taking "official" positions on frameworks or libraries.
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