> On Jul 23, 2017, at 10:58 AM, Vinnymac <vinny...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Above Steve mentions that many people are mixing language additions with 
> framework fatigue. I have to agree with him. In my case I am not overwhelmed 
> by any of the additions TC39 has chosen to make to ECMA. In fact it is 
> something I look forward to each year now that things seem to be iterating at 
> a faster rate. 

strongly disagree.  the explosion of different frameworks is encouraged by the 
current unstable nature of ecmascript.  the phenomenon wouldn't have been so 
severe if there wasn’t the mindset that ecmascript is undergoing a "language 
revolution", and everyone had to write their own framework to adapt to it.

> It feels more mature, and we can already do so much more than we ever could 
> just a couple of years ago.

in the end-goal of browser UX capabilities, i feel the latest batch of 
frameworks don’t add anything more capable than the older simpler ones.  they 
simply employ more complicated procedures to achieve the final desired UX 

i feel the commercial web-industry is now more wanting on guidance to reliably 
ship and maintain products. the views of some people that ecmascript should 
further expand and develop new ideas, hardly helps in this regard.
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