Previous discussion:

I argued there for using Github issues in the TC39 account and covered every 
concern brought up. I'll point out it's trivial to use github's API to convert 
all of the mailing list into individual issues.

Also I've noticed people don't know how mailing lists work. (This should be 
obvious glancing at any topic brought up). I regularly still get people sending 
me emails and they don't CC things correctly. If I would hazard a guess there 
has been hundreds of lost comments from people replying to the mailing list 

That said TC39 would have to decide on this among themselves and they seem 
indifferent. There's also a common theme among mailing list communities that it 
keeps the low-effort comments out compared to Github, Discourse, and numerous 
other platforms.

If it wasn't for to view these mailing list I'm not sure I'd even 
follow these discussions myself. I find it hilarious that using google and 
searching is the easiest way to find old threads though. No 
wonder this thread was made. OP probably couldn't find all the old discussions.
es-discuss mailing list

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