On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 11:58 AM, Brandon Andrews <
warcraftthre...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Previous discussion:
> https://esdiscuss.org/topic/meta-proposal-switch-es-
> discuss-from-a-mailing-list-to-using-the-tc39-github-
> issue-tracker-for-discussion
> I argued there for using Github issues in the TC39 account and covered
> every concern brought up. I'll point out it's trivial to use github's API
> to convert all of the mailing list into individual issues.

How do I get all issues?

> Also I've noticed people don't know how mailing lists work. (This should
> be obvious glancing at any topic brought up). I regularly still get people
> sending me emails and they don't CC things correctly. If I would hazard a
> guess there has been hundreds of lost comments from people replying to the
> mailing list wrong.

sqlite fixed their list so it doesn't come in from X person and Y person
but only from the list so it only goes back to their list... sounds like a
configuration issue.

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