Nit: `_` is a very valid identifier. (Consider Underscore/Lodash)

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017, 09:32 Alex Kodat <> wrote:

> Also, FWIW,  since we’re talking about nanoseconds of performance, here, I
> think slightly better than:
>     return this.#random || (this.#random = Math.random());
> Is
>     return (this.#random === undefined) ? this.#random = Math.random() :
> this.#random;
> This is because in the former, the compiled code has to determine whether
> this.#random is coercible into a Boolean. At the very least, it has to do
> an "Is this an object and, if so, not undefined ==> true" test. From first
> principles, the ternary expression is going to be more efficient. It simply
> checks if the value at this.#random is the same as the global undefined
> value and, if not, returns that value. No extra tests necessary.
> And at least with V8 theory == practice in this case (at least in all my
> tests). And yes, we're talking nanosecond here.
> While this looks a bit like the null propagation operator would be
> applicable, it's really not.
> Also FWIW, if you get tired of seeing/typing undefined, we add _ to the
> global object which means the above can be written as:
>     return (this.#random === _) ? this.#random = Math.random() :
> this.#random;
> You might think that this would perform worse than the undefined but, in
> fact, for V8 it's identical -- undefined and _ are both just properties of
> the global object. I think this reads especially well in function calls
> where you want an undefined placeholder
>   fooey(_, "whatever");
> Visually, _ just says undefined to me.
> ----
> Alex Kodat
> From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of
> Andrea Giammarchi
> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 2:31 AM
> To: Steve Fink <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Lazy evaluation
> > The properties already existed, so defineProperty shouldn't modify the
> order IIUC
> well, nope. the property existed in the prototype, not in the object.
> anyway, I guess private properties, that are a possible solution, will be
> transpiled through a WeakMap so that most likely anything discussed in here
> won't make sense and the future code would look like the following
> ```js
> class A {
>   #random;
>   get random() {
>     return this.#random ||
>           (this.#random = Math.random());
>   }
> }
> // transpiled
> var A = function (wm) {
>   function A() {
>     wm.set(this, {random: void 0});
>   }
>   Object.defineProperties(
>     A.prototype,
>     {
>       random: {
>         configurable: true,
>         get: function () {
>           return wm.get(this).random ||
>                 (wm.get(this).random = Math.random());
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   );
>   return A;
> }(new WeakMap);
> ```
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