I think there is a pretty good case to be made for native support for
pattern-based formatting as the OP described. I believe it has prior art in
other languages and, while the highly configurable, internationalized
formatting provided by `Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format` is very
valuable, pattern-based formatting serves different purposes.

@ Maggie I’m very excited to see ES getting distinct, hack-free types for
representing the different kinds of date/date time values that we often
awkwardly conflate with the generic datetime Date. The immutability is
refreshing — I cannot think of a time I ever thought "gee, I’m glad date
objects are mutable".

@ kai zhu, I appreciate the perspective you try to bring to things on these
forums, but I don’t think that your campaign for simplicity is well-served
by arguing that people should roll their own date manipulation utilities.
:) In many cases, it’s true that one needs nothing more than Date, and it’s
also been my experience that sometimes when people think "but timezones!"
they are creating, not solving, problems. However, cases that do demand
more nuance aren’t uncommon, and when you wrote that date arithmetic is
"trivial to do with 3-lines of vanilla javascript code", ten thousand dead
developers briefly reanimated in their graves and hissed demonic curses.
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