I can see that's certainly something that can be gotten wrong; the in-place
sort is kind-of nice; but you end up hitting most numbers twice, and with a
longer array (say a set of 75 bingo balls) you can move the same number
multiple times.

which gives numbers at the end a higher chance of being at the start when
all is done; and almost guaranteed to not be at the end.  I use sha2 as a
stream of bits; and when it runs out of bits, invokes a callback to get
more salt ( that is optional, although adding Date.now() is sufficient to
increase the overall entropy slightly  ).   This can also be used as a
generator procedural content generation, since you can specify the initial
salt and subsequent salts,  or even copy the state, and fork two streams
using slightly different progressive entropy.

And then to shuffle, for each number in the array, assign a random number;
hang in a binary tree from least to most; then gather the tree back out.
requires additional memory approximately the 4xsize of the original array
tough temporarily.  (don't seem to have a JS version, but the C version
ports pretty easily)

This allows any number to result in any position equally.
The SHA2 hash generates very good random number characteristics; evaluating
with diehard tests; chi-square etc.
Allowing more salt to be introduced periodically destroys any overall
period (even if it is in the realm of 256 bits).

if you were shuffling a deck of cards (52) you only need random values that
are 6-7 bits at a time...

It is slower than say http://www.pcg-random.org/using-pcg.html or mersenne,
both of which I found to be very poor.  pcg generates zeros like 70% of the

While a good shuffle should be able to start from the initial state and
generate a good shuffled result, it is slightly better to progressively
shuffle the previous result array into new positions than to start from an
initial state and compute a 1-off.

On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 3:27 PM, Isiah Meadows <isiahmead...@gmail.com>

> BTW, I added this to my list of various proposed array additions (as a
> weak one) [1].
> I did do a little reading up and found that in general, there's a
> major glitch that makes shuffling very hard to get right (issues even
> Underscore's `_.shuffle` doesn't address), specifically that of the
> size of the random number generator vs how many permutations it can
> hit. Specifically, if you want any properly unbiased shuffles covering
> all permutations of arrays larger than 34 entries (and that's not a
> lot), you can't use any major engines' `Math.random` (which typically
> have a max seed+period of 128 bits). You have to roll your own
> implementation, and you need at least something like xorshift1024* [2]
> (1024-bit max seed/period size) for up to 170 entries, MT19937
> [3]/WELL19937 [4] (seed/period up to 2^19937-1) for up to 2080
> entries, or MT44497/WELL44497 for up to 4199 entries. Keep in mind the
> minimum seed/period size in bits grows roughly `ceil(log2(fact(N)))`
> where `N` is the length of the array [5], and the only way you can
> guarantee you can even generate all possible permutations of all
> arrays (ignoring potential bias) is through a true hardware generator
> (with its potentially infinite number of possibilities). Also, another
> concern is that the loop's bottleneck is specifically the random
> number generation, so you can't get too slow without resulting in a
> *very* slow shuffle.
> If you want anything minimally biased and much larger than that,
> you'll need a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
> just to cover the possible states. (This is about where the
> intersection meets between basic statistics and cryptography, since
> cipher blocks are frequently that long.) But I'm leaving that as out
> of scope of that proposal.
> [1]: https://github.com/isiahmeadows/array-additions-
> proposal#arrayprototypeshuffle
> [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorshift#xorshift*
> [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_Twister
> [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well_equidistributed_long-period_linear
> [5]: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot+ceiling(log2(x!)
> )+where+0+%3C+x+%3C+10000
> -----
> Isiah Meadows
> m...@isiahmeadows.com
> Looking for web consulting? Or a new website?
> Send me an email and we can get started.
> www.isiahmeadows.com
> On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 4:01 PM, Alexander Lichter <e...@lichter.io> wrote:
> > On 29.04.2018 18:34, Naveen Chawla wrote:
> >>
> >> I don't think there's such a thing as "real random" in digital algos,
> just
> >> "pseudo random".
> >
> > You are right. I meant 'unbiased' pseudo randomness here.
> >
> >> Apart from card games, what's the use case?
> >
> > There are a lot of potential use cases. The best that comes into my mind
> is
> > sampling test data.
> >
> >
> > On 29.04.2018 19:01, Isiah Meadows wrote:
> >>
> >> I think this would be better suited for a library function rather than a
> >> language feature. I could see this also being useful also for
> >> randomized displays, but that's about it. And I'm not sure what an
> >> engine could provide here that a library couldn't - you can't really
> >> get much faster than what's in the language (minus bounds checking,
> >> but the likely frequent cache misses will eclipse that greatly), and
> >> it's not unlocking any real new possibilities.
> >
> > As Tab Atkins Jr. already pointed out it's not about performance
> benefits.
> > It's about how error-prone custom shuffle implementations are/can be.
> >
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