Some responses to these, inline.


Isiah Meadows

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 3:33 AM, T.J. Crowder
<> wrote:
> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 11:06 PM, Isiah Meadows <> 
> wrote:
>> Since `Array.prototype.push` is variadic, I don't see how this would be any 
>> improvement on the status quo (which isn't that bad to begin with).
> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 9:14 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 1:05 PM, Jordan Harband <> wrote:
>>> `array.push(...sources)`, not sure why we'd need "append".
>> From the original email (a bit buried and hard to find due to broken
>> threading, admittedly):
>>> Has anyone ever suggested Array.prototype.append as an Array.prototype.push 
>>> which returns the array itself?
>> The point is x.append(y) returning x, whereas x.push(y) returns y.

@Jordan, `x.push(y)` returns `x.length` (specifically, the new length).

> With large arrays you can also run into a platform's stack size limit
> with a large number of arguments. I got curious, and unless [my
> test][1] is significantly flawed, that limit is definitely a factor.
> The test uses `dest.push.apply(dest, source)` and works in chunks of
> 10k entries, reporting the point at which it got a stack error:
> * Chrome v66: Between 120k and 130k entries
> * Firefox v60: 500k - 510k
> * Edge v41: 650k - 660k
> * IE11: 250k - 260k
> * IE8¹: 5.25M (!) - 5.26M

Wait, what? Of all things old IE screws up, this isn't one of them?

> Using `dest.push(...source)` [instead][2] gave the same numbers as
> above on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
> So two reasons: Returning the array, and not pushing (no pun) the
> limit. ~125k entries isn't all that many.

Was the proposal `for (const i of y) x.push(y)`, like a mutable
`concat`? I interpreted it as basically `x.push(y); return x` from the
start, hence why I didn't see the point.

Adding a mutable `concat` variant *would* be useful, though, enough
that I'd like to see it happen. Add an optional mapping callback like
with `Array.from`, and I'd be set. But in this case, I'd rather it be
named `Array.prototype.pushAll`, not `Array.prototype.append`. [1]


> -- T.J. Crowder
> ¹ *Hey, some people still have to support it (e.g., via transpilation)
> -- old embedded IE-based apps in large institutions, etc. I'm just
> glad not to be one of them.*
> [1]:
> [2]:
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