A new revised version of the "BigNum extensions" is available at http://numcalc.com/jsbignum.pdf . This new version is 100% compatible with standard Javascript with the addition of a "use bigint" mode. It is split into 4 proposals:

1) Overloading of the standard operators to support new types such as complex numbers, fractions or matrixes.

2) Bigint mode where arbitrarily large integers are available by default (no "n" suffix is necessary as in the BigInt proposal at https://tc39.github.io/proposal-bigint/ ).

3) Arbitrarily large floating point numbers in base 2 using the IEEE 754 semantics.

4) Optional "math" mode which modifies the semantics of the division, modulo and power operator. The division and power operator return a fraction with integer operands and the modulo operator is defined as the Euclidian remainder.

A complete demo is available at http://numcalc.com . The command "\mode [std|bigint|math]" can be used to switch between the standard javascript mode, bigint mode or math mode. In standard Javascript mode, the complete TC39 BigInt proposal is supported. In the demo, the default floating point precision is set to 128 bits. It can be set back to the default Javascript precision with "\p f64" or "\p 53 11".

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