On 2018-05-29 10:32, kai zhu wrote:
@anders, i'm just brainstorming if JSON could meet most of industry-needs for 
large-numbers (with minimal changes), if

1. JSON.stringify was enhanced to stringify fixed-precision BigInt64 and 
BigDecimal128 as strings (including suffix to make userland parsing easier)

2. JSON.parse is left untouched

state = {
     "bigInt64": -9223372036854775807n,
     "bigDecimal128": -9.99999999999999999999999999999999e6144dd

// JSON.stringify will stringify BigInt64 and BigDecimal128 as strings
JSON.stringify(state) = '{\
     "bigInt64": "-9223372036854775807n",\
     "bigDecimal128": "-9.99999999999999999999999999999999e6144dd"\

// JSON.parse will NOT un-stringify BigInt64 and BigDecimal128 (userland 
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state)) = {
     "bigInt64": "-9223372036854775807n",
     "bigDecimal128": "-9.99999999999999999999999999999999e6144dd"

This is exactly what I'm hoping on.  Unfortunately there's no community dealing 
with big numbers in JSON.
Microsoft's solution for .NET and Oracle's for Java have nothing in common and 
the OpenAPI/Swagger folks run their show as well.

It is really entirely in "userland" = do whatever works for you :-)


On 29 May 2018, at 12:22 PM, Anders Rundgren <anders.rundgren....@gmail.com 
<mailto:anders.rundgren....@gmail.com>> wrote:

On 2018-05-28 21:05, Fabrice Bellard wrote:
JSON.stringify is currently fully compatible with the TC39 BigInt
proposal, so it throws an exception in the case of a bigint value. You
can add:

I haven't looked into the BigInt proposal but if it breaks I-JSON/JSON.parse()
I would vote against it.

The JSON community is unfortunately already pretty confused and divided:

Microsoft's JSON/.NET guru's view on JSON.parse():


BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(); }
to handle this case. It could also be possible to modify the behavior of
JSON.stringify in bigint mode so that it does not throw an exception in
case of a bigint value.
Regarding the unresponsive cases you noticed with large exponents in
floating point literals, it is a known problem of the current code which
will be corrected.
Best regards,
On 05/28/2018 07:43 PM, kai zhu wrote:
hi fabrice, what you’ve done is interesting and impressive;  but an
integration-level concern (if tc39 is to consider standardizing your
extension, rather than keep it userland) is how would a web-project go
about baton-passing these arbitrary-precision numbers between browser
<-> server <-> persistent-storage via JSON?  what would happen if you
pass an arbitrarily large float as a “number” type to current mysql (or
native-module sqlite3) driver?

playing with your live web-demo @ http://numcalc.com/, it seems
JSON.stringify has divergent behavior between math-equivalent large
floats (preserves full-precision) and large integers (throws error as a

mjs > 12345678901234567890.0e0 === 12345678901234567890

mjs > typeof 12345678901234567890.0e0
mjs > JSON.stringify(12345678901234567890.0e0)

mjs > typeof 12345678901234567890
mjs > JSON.stringify(12345678901234567890)
TypeError: bigint are forbidden in JSON.stringify
    at to_str (stdlib.js)
    at stringify (stdlib.js)
    at &lt;eval> (&lt;evalScript>)
    at evalScript (native)
    at eval_and_print (repl.js)
    at setPrec (native)
    at handle_cmd (repl.js)
    at readline_handle_cmd (repl.js)
    at handle_key (repl.js)
    at handle_char (repl.js)
    at handle_byte (repl.js)

mjs > JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(1.12345678901234567890123456789e123456))
1.12345678901234567890123456789e+123456 // takes ~200ms to process

mjs > JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(1.12345678901234567890123456789e-123456))
1.12345678901234567890123456789e-123456 // takes ~200ms to process

mjs > JSON.stringify(1.1e1234567890) // unresponsive

mjs > JSON.stringify(1.1e-1234567890) // unresponsive

kai zhu
kaizhu...@gmail.com <mailto:kaizhu...@gmail.com><mailto:kaizhu...@gmail.com>

On 28 May 2018, at 7:25 PM, Fabrice Bellard <fabr...@bellard.org 
<mailto:fabr...@bellard.org>> wrote:

A new revised version of the "BigNum extensions" is available at
http://numcalc.com/jsbignum.pdf . This new version is 100% compatible
with standard Javascript with the addition of a "use bigint" mode. It
is split into 4 proposals:

1) Overloading of the standard operators to support new types such as
complex numbers, fractions or matrixes.

2) Bigint mode where arbitrarily large integers are available by
default (no "n" suffix is necessary as in the BigInt proposal at
https://tc39.github.io/proposal-bigint/ ).

3) Arbitrarily large floating point numbers in base 2 using the IEEE
754 semantics.

4) Optional "math" mode which modifies the semantics of the division,
modulo and power operator. The division and power operator return a
fraction with integer operands and the modulo operator is defined as
the Euclidian remainder.

A complete demo is available at http://numcalc.com . The command
"\mode [std|bigint|math]" can be used to switch between the standard
javascript mode, bigint mode or math mode. In standard Javascript
mode, the complete TC39 BigInt proposal is supported. In the demo, the
floating point precision is set to 128 bits. It can be set back to the
default Javascript precision with "\p f64" or "\p 53 11".

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