> 1. It's *super incredibly boilerplatey* and verbose syntactically.

I'm not sure what you mean by "boilerplatey". As for being verbose, I'm
just using the keywords everyone understands for this purpose. IMO, there's
no advantage in trying to find some shorthand to do the same thing just
because it saves a keystroke or two when it makes the code significantly
more difficult to understand.

> 2. `protected` on an object literal is next to useless. I've used that kind
of feature almost never.

I get where you're coming from with that. I don't see it being used very
often (kinda like `with`), but it has to be there. If someone wants to use
the facilities of `class` without the limitations of the keyword, and the
intent is to build vertical hierarchies, they'll need the "protected"
keyword on their prototype definition to share private data with descendant
factories. It's even more necessary for people writing factory factories.
The only other way to achieve the same thing would be to force them to use
`Function()` or `eval` and build up the code as strings. I'd rather avoid

> I also find it odd you're supporting private dynamic properties.

How'd you get to the idea that I'm supporting dynamic private properties?
The first 2 paragraphs in the implementation say that all private container
records are sealed, and all fields in info records are added read-only. If
it wasn't clear from that, I'm going to have to re-write that section.
However, the intent is that after the declaration process is complete, what
you have is all you can get. No additional private fields can be added
later. I considered dynamic private data, but that can get very messy very

> I actually think it's odd there is no attempt to implement dynamic
properties in the other "private properties" proposals.

It's not that odd. There are issues around inheritance when a subclass can
remove the `protected` properties of its base. Further, exactly how do you
add a new `protected` property at runtime? Under both proposal-class-fields
and proposal-object-members, there is never any direct access to the
private container record, so use of `Object.defineProperty` will never
work. IMO, any attempt to implement dynamic private properties in any
sensible and consistent fashion would require somehow exposing the private
data record to the code. That's a recipe for a private data leak. Not worth
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