As mentioned previously, the pattern matching proposal does a lot to help here:

function sum_list(input, result = 0) {
    case (input) {
        when [head, ...tail] -> return sum_list(input, result + head),
        when _ -> return result,


Isiah Meadows

On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 3:08 AM bishwendu kundu <> wrote:
> Hi Kai Zhu,
> I agree with you the new proposition should be of value to a web developer in 
> daily work. If we observe the pattern it more closely resembles a more 
> declarative form of solution implementation which is easy to code and 
> understand. For example lets consider below piece of code:
> ```js
> function sum_list(input, result){
>     if(!input.length)
>         return result;
>     [head, ...input] = input;
>     return sum_list(input, result + head);
> }
> ```
> Now the same code in the new proposal form
> ```js
> function sum_list([head, ...tail], result){
>     result = result + head;
>     return sum_list(tail, result);
> }
> function sum_list([], result){
>     return result;
> }
> ```
> This declarative model of coding also forces an immutable form of state 
> management allowing for removing a family of bugs.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Bishwendu.
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 12:57 PM kai zhu <> wrote:
>> hi Bishwendu, javascript is first-and-foremost a tool designed for 
>> web-product-development, a growing field that has eclipsed low-level 
>> general-purpose programming (where jobs are harder and harder to find) in 
>> the IT industry.
>> you need to give compelling reasons (for such significant language-change) 
>> why i, a web-developer would benefit from from having overloaded-functions 
>> in my (mostly expendable-code) web-projects, as opposed to creating 
>> confusion and maintennance-headaches, when i typically have to rewrite code 
>> multiple-times during the web-integration process.
>> kai zhu
>> On 17 Oct 2018, at 12:23 PM, bishwendu kundu <> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I have been a great fan of the evolution of JavaScript in the recent past. 
>> The language is steadily closing the gap to ideal functional paradigm. One 
>> of the things that I have liked the most about languages like 
>> Erlang/Elixir/Haskell is their ability to define functions with same name 
>> and different airty. The decision of invoking the correct function-argument 
>> pattern is dependent on the invocation of the function. Implicit pattern 
>> matching in aforementioned languages helps avoid costly cognitive loads 
>> introduced by explicit if/else based pattern of logic flow branching.
>> The greatest power of the pattern matching which amazed me was, dropping the 
>> whole of looping construct, altogether. Elixir/Erlang have no LOOPS. Stack 
>> based recursive calls combined with JavaScript's closures suddenly strikes 
>> me as a very powerful programming model that not only increases readability 
>> of code but also promotes immutability of the data structures in use. The 
>> loops would continue to exist but more modern codes can be written 
>> leveraging the recursive model of JavaScript.
>> With de-structuring of arrays & objects already in place in JavaScript, 
>> pattern-matching of functions can fit right in perfectly, thereby taking 
>> JavaScript another step closer to ideal functional programming model.
>> Looking forward to your response.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Bishwendu.
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