Thanks for the link. My current approach is similar to what you and the article 
describe. Maybe it’s just the old DBA in me, but even when I narrow my 
parameters `(node.querySelector(“[…]”))` it feels like I’m doing a lot of “full 
table scans” when I would want to index some of the “columns”. I’m sure the 
engines are pretty optimized for this though.

From: Andrea Giammarchi <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 12:25 PM
To: Randy Buchholz <>
Subject: Re: Indexing HTML Attributes and Unique Indexes

With Custom Elements you have `attributeChangedCallback` which reacts after 
`observedAttributes` returned attributes, and I believe you'd like to use that 
to create getters and setters out of the box.

I don't think DOM specific class fields/syntax will ever land in JS itself, but 
I can suggest you looking at most handy custom elements patterns in here:

About being unique, you can always `document.querySelector('[attribute="' + 
value +'"]')` and, if not null, throw an error 'cause already live on the DOM.

However, IDs are the most "unique" thing you can have, even if 2 IDs with same 
content are still allowed love on the document.

If you look for an easy way to have unique IDs, remember you can start from 
`let id = Math.random()` and do `++id` any other time to have a new, rarely 
clashing, unique name. Prefix it with the `nodeName` and see you've already all 
uniqueness you need for you custom elements, since you can't define two custom 
elements with the same name anyway (yet, unless scoped, but that's another 


On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 7:07 PM Randy Buchholz 
<<>> wrote:
I’ve been working with `Custom Elements` and I’m writing a lot of code against 
tag attributes. In some cases, I want the attribute values to be unique on a 
page (like `id`).  It got me wondering about how the engines handle attribute 
based searches, and if indexing (with unique/distinct options) would provide 
value. I also find myself writing a lot of boilerplate getters/setters for 
attributes in the elements. Attribute handling could be improved by adding some 
additional support with something like an `attrib` feature. This would be 
similar to `get` or `set` in use.

class MyElement extends HTMLElement{
    attrib myAttrib(‘my-attribute’) index distinct;
This would create the attribute `my-attribute` on the tag and element, and also 
generate a getter and setter
    get myAttrib() { return this.getAttribute(‘my-attribute’); }
    set myAttrib(v) { this.setAttribute(‘my-attribute’, v); }
The `index` flag it would tell the engine it should create a map/hash to 
improve search optimization for heavily searched attributes.
The `distinct` flag would indicate that all values for that attribute within 
context (e.g., document) should be unique. This might be used primarily by 
IDE’s to generate warnings.
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