Full Table Scans and Unique indexes are database concepts (that's the DBA 
reference). When a database searches for a record based on a column value, it 
might look at every record in the table to find the matches - scan the entire 
(full) table, in the order the records were inserted or stored. To speed this 
up, we can create indexes on table columns or column groups. These are like 
ordered maps or hash tables. To find a record, more efficient searches can be 
done against the indexes to find the records. Indexes can also act as 
constraints. A "Unique Index" is a constraint that checks a table to see if a 
value exists before inserting it in the table and adding it to the index. 
Indexing has a trade-off. It slows inserting, but improves searching. While 
understanding that databases and browsers are worlds apart, a foundational part 
of database engines is searching, just like it is in DOM manipulation. Indexing 
can provide orders of magnitude performance improvements when reading/searchin
 g in databases. It seemed worth seeing if the concept translated across 

Without any optimizations, an attribute search on a document would look at each 
node, and then at each attribute of the node to find a match - Full Table Scan. 
This makes searches very slow. At an absurd extreme, we could index everything, 
making startup very slow and eating memory, but making some searches very fast. 
 The balanced approach is to implement "indexing" ourselves (using any of the 
mentioned approaches) to get the best level.

About the code/HTML, it is dynamic and real-time. It is loaded over WebSockets, 
and the elements are talking to the backend in real-time over the sockets. I'm 
using an original (Trygve Reenskaug) MVC approach. Essentially, each Web 
Component is an MVC component, with the HTML/elements and code accessed only 
through the controller. I am looking at the incoming code for cases where 
several searches ae being performed on the same attribute (or element). I give 
these a generated `id`,  create indexes on them, and expose them as properties 
on the controller. The underlying framework uses a set of common attributes 
that are searched on a lot, but only for a small set of elements. These are 
also indexed. So at the cost of slower startup (offset to some degree by doing 
some of this in a Web Worker and/or server-side), I can read and write "Form 
Fields" quickly.

Many language features are implemented to wrap or optimize common or repetitive 
use cases, or to move code to a more efficient part of the architecture. 
Indexing can do both. Without doing things server-side or in Workers, the 
indexing consumes UI cycles. Adding an indexing "hint" could allow all or part 
of this code to be moved back into the "system" or C++ layer. (e.g., into 
`querySelect` internals supported by low-level map stores) Or to parsing (like 
I'm doing), taking some of the repetitive work off the UI and developers hands. 

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