Can you list the benefits of having this operators? Maybe with example use cases

If I understand it correctly, the operator fits better in compiled
(and typed) languages, most of the use cases don't apply to dynamic
The only legit use case I can think of is helping refactor tools to
rename properties (but even mismatch errors between strings and
properties names can be caught in compile time using modern

Em sex, 14 de jun de 2019 às 10:05, Stas Berkov
<> escreveu:
> Can we revisit this issue?
> In C# there is `nameof`, in Swift you can do the same by calling
> ```
> let keyPath = \Person.mother.firstName
> NSPredicate(format: "%K == %@", keyPath, "Andrew")
> ```
> Let's introduce `nameof` in ES, please.
> Devs from TypeScript don't want to introduce this feature in TypeScript 
> unless it is available in ES ( 
> )
> This feature is eagarly being asked by TypeScript community.
> I understand there are couple issues related to `nameof` feature in ES. They 
> are: minification and what to do if user already has `nameof` function.
> Minification.
> 1. If your code to be minimized be prepared that variable names will also 
> change.
> 2. (just a possibility) Minimizer can have option to replace 
> `nameof(someVar)` with result of `nameof` function.
> What if user already has `nameof` function.
> 1. To maintain status quo we can user `nameof` function having priority over 
> newly introduced language feature.
> 2. OR we can use `typeof` syntax, e.g. `nameof msg.userName` (// returns 
> "userName" string)
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