As much as I like vim, this seems like more of an argument against using
vim than anything for the language - also it's not "usually" just 1
frontend developer; altho that may be your experience. I often like to say
it's *never* just one - even if it's you, it's also "you in 6 months", and
that person is really annoyed with you.

As an anecdotal data point, my garage startup which had no funding had 3 JS
devs working on our frontend. I would argue it's not very cost effective to
*under*invest in frontend dev, but obviously everyone has different
opinions on that - and it's not relevant to this discussion list.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 9:59 AM kai zhu <> wrote:

> adding a datapoint on effects of vim-editor on my javascript
> coding-style.  this is to expand on discussion of "JavaScript and Syntax
> Research Methods" in tc39-notes [1].
> vim has the following file-editing properties:
> 1. poor UX in opening new files
> 2. efficient content-search/jump/traversal of large files
> 3. can display the same file in multiple editing-windows
> because of above properties, i default to writing javascript applications
> as a single, large file (which may get broken up if it becomes "too" large,
> e.g. >10k sloc).  developing javascript-apps with a single js-file leads me
> to:
> 1. prefer reusing external-code by copy/pasting it into single-file rather
> than load it as commonjs/es-module
> 2. be selective about what external-code i want to copy/paste -- generally
> only self-contained or "rolled-up" ones w/ minimal external-dependencies
> 3. general preference to write self-contained code that easy-to-reuse by
> copy/pasting into a new project [2].
> an argument against writing javascript-applications as a single,
> self-contained file, is that it leads to merge/commit conflicts when
> multiple devs are working on same file.  its valid ... except most
> javascript-products are developed by just 1-3 js-devs.  for the frontend,
> its usually just 1 developer.  the hype of making javascript "scalable" so
> you can have 20x people working on a product is just that -- hype.  there
> are very few real-world products where its cost-effective to have more than
> 5 js-devs working on it.
> [1] JavaScript and Syntax Research Methods
> [2] documentation of various [minimal-dependency] self-contained functions
> that can be copy/pasted
> screenshot of me vim-editing multiple locations of one, large
> javascript-file (each sub-window is a different location of the same file).
> [image: vim-editor-min.png]
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