On 8/14/19 7:50 PM, Waldemar Horwat wrote:

> And I'm saying that's potentially problematic because it changes the meaning 
> of existing programs that happen to use "mod" as a variable name.  The above 
> is one example that would turn a let statement into a mod expression.  Here's 
> another example:
> x = 4
> mod(foo)

Potentially yes and surely there is a yacc definition where one could check to 
be certain? Regardless, let's assume there is or that workarounds to guarantee 
infixity are not worth the complication ([no LineTerminator here] usage).

We know that syntax is the last bastion of language luddites, so it's best not 
to linger on something which was not my main concern. I am more interested in 
maintaining the duality of the operators over how they are represented (within 
reason). Thus, if '%%' is what is preferable, then '\\' would be the partner.

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