`_` is better than `,` because `_` is the closest thing possible to empty 
space, it could. It could even be represented as empty space when it's written 
down, and it could come at the beginning or at the end, it's also more 
appropriate for repeatation, `__` is more appropriate than `,,`.
From: Ron Buckton <ron.buck...@microsoft.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2019 2:12:23 PM
To: Ed Saleh <med...@outlook.com>; Sanford Whiteman 
<swhitemanlistens-softw...@figureone.com>; es-discuss <es-discuss@mozilla.org>
Subject: Re: Optional Curly Braces in JavaScript

The '_' isn't necessary for chaining expressions, as ',' would already suffice:

if (foo==2)

Also, '_' is already a valid expression/identifier.

While I'm not generally a fan of eliding braces from everything, I have 
expressed interest in evaluating something like C#'s expression-bodied methods 
for ECMAScript:

class C extends B {
  constructor(arg) => super(arg, true);
  toString() => `prop: ${this.prop}`;
  get prop() => this.x + this.y;

From: es-discuss <es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org> on behalf of Ed Saleh 
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2019 10:48:12 AM
To: Sanford Whiteman <swhitemanlistens-softw...@figureone.com>; es-discuss 
Subject: Re: Optional Curly Braces in JavaScript

Update to the proposal:

Since we can't make spaces in JavaScript, the best we can do is use '_' instead.
We will also git rid of ':' after statement in the old version as '_' is enough 
indication and it's more compatible with our current curly braces syntax.

Final result:

if (foo==2) _
bar() _

Which is the same as:
if (foo==2)
_ bar();
_ bar2();

Basically `_` would allow chaining expressions inside a statement block.

Thank you,
From: es-discuss <es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org> on behalf of Sanford Whiteman 
Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2019 1:36:36 AM
To: es-discuss <es-discuss@mozilla.org>
Subject: Re: Optional Curly Braces in JavaScript

> the only thing really missing (and which python has) is a builtin
> wasm-sqlite3 library (and specialized/secure file-api's to persist
> sqlite-db-blobs).

Browsers (WPWG, not this group) tried WebSQL. It failed because there
wasn't a competitive bake-off with any other implementations _besides_

If a browser vendor had used another engine, then SQLite might've won
the bake-off and now you'd have what you describe.

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