On Oct 30, 2007, at 3:09 PM, Douglas Crockford wrote:

Doug Crockford made some statements about TG1 members and motives.

The speculations about motives were made by others on this list, not by me.

Yeah, you have said little on this list, but somewhat more at that panel at TAE Boston. I wasn't there, but multiple people who were (some on this list) attributed statements or words to you. Perhaps they misquoted.

* The anonymous slashdot firehose post, which said "At The Ajax Experience conference, it was announced that an ECMAScript4 white paper had been released. The implication being that the white paper was the upcoming spec, which is untrue. Not to mention this is not an official ECMA site, but a site run by only some of the members from the ECMAScript4 group. These facts were later revealed by another concerned ECMAScript4 member."

John Resig confirmed that the "concerned ECMAScript4 member" was you.

* Kris Gray: "Crockford - Adobe, Mozilla, Yahoo and Microsoft. The first t[w]o support it, the later two oppose it."

* Ric Johnson: "However, Doug did strike a chord when he said 'the ghost of Netscape'".

Was Ric quoting you accurately, and if so, what did you mean?

* Ric Johnson again: "There are A LOT of accusations of backroom deals being made"

Whatever your exact words, what you did actually say raised the question of motive. People want to know the "why" when told the scary "what". Is there some back-room deal? Is there misconduct according to Ecma rules? And so on. Naming two (of four or six) companies working on ES4 is bound to cause speculation.

But for the record, I have no reliable eyewitness quoting you as saying "motive". The word may never have crossed your lips.

However, from the above, it seems clear that you did publicly call out Adobe and Mozilla as potentially misrepresenting ES4's status in Ecma, or the lack of consensus in TG1, or both. You apparently mentioned Opera too, but somehow left the distinct impression with multiple listeners that TG1 was split down the middle: Adobe and Mozilla vs. Microsoft and Yahoo!. These impressions immediately beg questions of motive. I think you can see that.


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