One benefit of StopIteration is that code inside map/some/every etc
can just throw a StopIteration to stop the iteration.  The same thing
is harder to keep clean with a hasNext/next pattern.

On Nov 16, 2007 5:30 PM, Garrett Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which is better?
> var nodes : int;
> var widgetMap = Widget.instances; // a map.
> var it:Iterator<string> = widgetMap.getKeys();
>  -- this: --
> try {
>   widgetMap.get(;
> }
> catch(Exception e) {
>   if(e instanceof StopIteration) {
>   }
> }
>  -- or this: --
> while(it.hasNext()) {
>   widgetMap.get(;;
> }
> It might be the case that there might be some error
> I want to catch other than StopIteration. In that case, to be
> backwards-compatible and work across implementations, the developer
> must use conditional
> checks inside 1 catch block.
> A hasNext() would not prevent the developer from writing such code.
> Omitting hasNext() forces developers to use exception handling for
> non-exceptional condition.
> How does using try/catch for normal termination of the loop look?
> It looks like all exceptions are unchecked in ES4. correct?  (I cannot
> verify this to be true because
> I am unable to access the spec namespace on
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