On Nov 16, 2007, at 5:30 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

> Which is better?
> var nodes : int;
> var widgetMap = Widget.instances; // a map.
> var it:Iterator<string> = widgetMap.getKeys();
>  -- this: --
> try {
>   widgetMap.get(it.next()).hide();
> }
> catch(Exception e) {
>   if(e instanceof StopIteration) {
>   }
> }
>  -- or this: --
> while(it.hasNext()) {
>   widgetMap.get(it.next()).hide();;
> }

Neither. This is best:

for each (w in widgetMap)

But your two examples are not equivalent. The first calls the  
iterator exactly once, the second loops over all keys. I'm asuming  
widgetMap.get(key) returns the corresponding widget value, so for- 
each-in is the way to loop, not for-in (and never while).

As in Python, you rarely have to get or make an iterator explicitly;  
you almost never have to catch StopIteration.


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